Friday, March 30, 2012

An Intro to Adventures in Rereading

Earlier this year I thought to myself that I'd like to devote a month, one solid month, to reading nothing but rereads. There are quite a few books and some series that I'd love to revisit. However, looking at the stack of books I have yet to read, a few of which are ARCs of books that come out during the summer months, I don't see where I could devote a whole month to rereads unless I was willing to wait until August or September maybe, and I don't want to do that. I also, I've realized, don't want to entirely block myself off from reading the new books I have.

This month I reread the entire Hunger Games series and while it emotionally exhausted me (I forgot just how brutal Mockingjay was -- don't be surprised if this inspires a few posts later on), it was also a really great experience and made me, once again, want to revisit other favorite stories and characters.

So now I have a new plan. Instead of devoting a solid month to rereading, I've decided to reread at least one book or series a month for the remainder of this year. I'm working on making a list of the books I want to reread and I've decided to blog my rereading adventures (my definition of the word "adventure" is maybe a little different than most people's?). I won't be doing reviews, but definitely some reflection on the different books and my relationship to them. I'd love it, of course, if anyone wants to join in the rereading journey with however many books you feel like rereading this year. Would anyone be interested in this? Maybe I can set up a linky or some such for fellow bloggers.


  1. I think this is a great idea, and while I'm not sure I'm going to participate--I have so, so many titles waiting in the wings to be read--I'm very interested in following along as you do this.

    For the last year or so, I've tried not to reread books, simply because there's so much out there I haven't read. However, I've increasingly been thinking about the fact that some books are like total comfort food to me, and I've been feeling the tug to reread some of my favorites. This year, I did kind of cheat on the no rereading rule and listened to all three books in the Hunger Games series on audiobook (in preparation for the movie, duh).

    Also, I'd love to see the list of titles you want to reread. I'm curious, and I love lists.

    1. Yay, glad my rereading interests you. Also, I'm definitely going to be posting the list next week. :)

  2. This is an awesome idea! I need to reread more books, I feel like I've lost my connection with some of them.
    I don't think I'll be able to participate, though. I've been super busy lately, and I haven't even had enough time to read review books.
    I would love to follow you on your rereading journey, though!

    1. Yeah, it's hard to reread books especially when you have so many new ones you haven't read yet.

  3. I'm glad to see I'm not the only person who enjoys a good reread. It seems like a lot of people out there never bother. :(

    1. I love rereads! The only problem is that generally I read SO MUCH SLOWER on a reread (except for HG - reread that series in a week) and then I get even more behind in other reading.

  4. I would love to join in on this rereading adventure! I also reread THG series this month, and I have a few series with final installments coming out this year that I want to revisit before the end comes. I like your idea of doing one reread -- either series or standalone -- per month. That's especially great for me in April considering that grad school will take up most of my actual reading time.

    1. Ahh, yay! I love that there's someone else who might want to do some rereading this year.
