Thursday, September 20, 2012


Lately I've been getting really excited over retellings/reimaginings of classic tales. I somewhat-recently read and loved Jodi Lynn Anderson's Tiger Lily, which is a twist on Peter Pan, and I'm always a fan of Robin Palmer's contemporary updates to the fairytales we grew up with (so far my favorite of hers is her most recent novel, Wicked Jealous). And though the second book in Marissa Meyer's sci-fi fairytale series disappointed me, the concept itself is crazy intriguing.

I may just be going through an odd reading phase, but these sorts of retellings/reimaginings are really calling to me lately. Here are some that are on my radar that I'd love to get my hands on. If you have any suggestions for me to add to this list, let me know in the comments.

A Long, Long Sleep, by Anna Sheehan
This one is a sci-fi/futuristic reimagining of Sleeping Beauty. I don't know if this is the US cover. I haven't ever seen it in stores. But it sounds pretty interesting and has been on my radar for-freaking-ever.

The Little Women Letters, by Gabrielle Donnelly
Strictly speaking this is about Jo's imagined great-great-granddaughters and I'm not sure if it technically qualifies as a reimagining, but it's definitely reinhabiting the story I love so much and sounds right up my alley. Plus, I'd love to find some more great non-YA books ever since I read the incredible What Alice Forgot.

When You Were Mine, by Rebecca Serle
Okay, so I've never actually read Romeo & Juliet, but I'm pretty sure I more or less know the story thanks to cultural osmosis, and this modern twist on the classic tale sounds really, really pretty awesome. Another one that's been on my radar for quite a while. (Have I mentioned how awful I am at actually buying books when I want them?)

For Darkness Shows the Stars, by Diana Peterfreund
This is the one I'm most wanting to read, despite the fact that I'm not sure I've actually read Persuasion by Jane Austen. (I've read a few Austen novels but I tend to forget exactly which ones.) It sounds great and I've heard amazing things about it.

Any reimagined recommendations?


  1. I don't have any to add to your list, but I wanted to recommend A Long, Long Sleep by Anna Sheehan--I loved it.

  2. I really liked When You Were Mine! It's a lovely book. I'm also excited to start For Darkness Shows the Stars... which I borrowed from the library already :)
