Sunday, January 23, 2011

In My Mailbox - Writing

Gifts: My mom got me these two writing books -- Donald Maass' Writing the Breakout Novel is hands-down the best writing book I've come across and I'm thrilled to finally have the workbook. And, of course, I've been recommended to read Stephen King's On Writing about a million times by fellow writing people.

Bought: It's true that I did once tell myself I would never read a Gone With the Wind sequel, but... this isn't a sequel. So it's okay, right? RIGHT? This is Rhett's story and it sounds potentially great.

Bookswap: Published by Bloomsbury, The Kid Table, which sounds most excellent despite me hearing some not-so-great things about it. I love that it's about a group of cousins, love the title, and love that the cover was featured on That Cover Girl (where I originally heard about it).


  1. I'll add my vote for On Writing. It's excellent! I haven't been reading your blog very much, so maybe you have/haven't mentioned this -- but what kind of writing to do you?

  2. I want to read On Writing so bad! I hope you enjoy it!

    My IMM post is here

    Happy Reading,
    Zakiya LadyWings

  3. Writing The Breakout Novel sounds excellent! Definitely one I'll have to add to my list. I love books about writing.

    Here's what's in my mailbox this week!

  4. Little Wonder Lauren
    You've given me a great topic for tomorrow's "writing" blog post, so come back tomorrow!!

    Zakiya LadyWings
    I'm excited to read it & will definitely check out your IMM.

    Jessica Lawlor
    The one in my IMM is actually the workbook -- I already have the actual "Writing the Breakout Novel" book and it. is. EXCELLENT. Definitely the best writing book out there for a novelist.

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier! I have read and loved the Giver. Your books look really good this week, hope they are!

  6. This is my first IMM Vlog; I saved up all my books so check it out:


    Gabrielle Carolina

    The Mod Podge Bookshelf

  7. Great books you got this week. I hope you enjoy reading them all.

  8. My friend is working through "Writing the Breakout Novel" and she LOVES it. It is helping her so much! I hope it does the same for you!

  9. OH a Rhett story might have to check that out.

    MY IMM

  10. I love the title of The Kid's Table. So many images from my past immediately spring to mind.
