Sunday, May 29, 2011

In My Mailbox - Series Books

Won: I've been wanting to read Divergent since going to ALA in January and I was so insanely happy to win a copy of the book by being Claudia Gabel's 1000th Twitter follower. This was doubly exciting because I always want to win things where you have to be the 10th caller or the 1000th follower or whatever and until now I never have. So thank you, Claudia! I've heard such great things about this book and I'm thrilled to read it. Also she also sent me some Divergent temporary tattoos, which is awesome.

Bookswap: I mentioned this book last week and this week it came in the mail, so now I have the whole trilogy. Win! And I don't even mind that one (this one) is in hardcover and the others are paperback (honest), though I do want to find a way to not have these books hiding in the second row of my bookshelf. I'm so happy to have this whole series! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!! (And as an aside -- how beautiful are these covers? So beautiful.)

Blogger Book Trade: Thanks to Anni from Stuff Young People Read for sending me this book -- one I've wanted to read for years yet never got around to it. But now it's on my shelves so I'll definitely read it. And I'm hoping it's awesome. Question: is the whole series worth reading or just the first?


  1. I absolutely LOVED the first two books in the Life as We Knew It series.....The second book, The Dead and The Gone is one of my favorite books of all time. It's just amazing. The third book was kinda ehhh for me, but definitely worth reading still. It's an amazing series. I read the author's blog and she actually might be writing a 4th installment to the series.

    Taming the Bookshelf

  2. I've never seen this cover for Life as We Knew It! Although I definitely do like the other one more. Unfortunately I DNF'd this one (I attempted the book club thing over at Forever Young Adult), hoping you enjoy it a lot more than I did!
