Monday, August 27, 2012

a bookish survey

I found this survey over at The Broke and the Bookish and, hey if there's one thing I like it's book surveys! (Actually, there are many things I like and book surveys don't even crack the top 20. But I do like them.)

1. The book I'm currently reading: I'm not! I guess I should quick grab one off the shelf and start reading it, right? Actually I'm 50-something pages into Burn for Burn, but I've already decided to give up on it. Just not my cup of tea, despite how big a fan I am of both of the authors.

2. The last book I finished: Flawless Ruins, by Kieryn Nicolas. A different sort of dystopian. The parents in this one were named after a popular pop culture couple with alliterative names. Any guesses? (No seriously, guess. Winner gets the GLORY OF WINNING.) Review to come on this one.

3. The next book I want to read: I have ARCs of both Scarlet, by Marissa Meyer, and Prodigy, by Marie Lu, that I'm wanting to read. But I'm not sure which I'll pick up first.

4. The last book I bought: I finally found book 9 of The Series of Unfortunate Events at my local used bookstore. And I AM JAZZED. Now I just need number eleven and MY COLLECTION WILL BE COMPLETE, BWAHAHA AND I CAN COMMENCE READING THEM ALL IN ORDER.

5. The last book I was given: Not counting books sent by publishers, of course. The last book I was given was actually four books that my mom got for me while she was in the UK recently. The second and third books of Sophia Bennett's awesome Threads trilogy, The Look, by the same author, and Kiss, Date, Love, Hate, by Luisa Plaja, which was an odd read for me.

As always, I'd love to see your answers.

1 comment:

  1. 1) About to start The Passage, perhaps this weekend.
    2) Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell. Oh that book. I loved it. I love her work and she's now on my insta-buy list (which is admittedly very very short.)
    3) I told a blogger friend I'd read The Passage next, but I do have a few other books I may end up cheating on it with - Cloud Atlas just came in from the library, as well as a book on exposure (photography).
    4) Eleanor & Park and Attachments, both of which I ordered online.
    5) The Raven Boys ARC from a blogger friend, because I'm spoiled rotten. I like how everything Stiefvater writes is completely different. Although it didn't evoke the FEELS like The Scorpio Races did for me, I still think it's solid start to the series.
