Wednesday, December 29, 2010

FIVE: Great YA Bloggers

I restrained myself from including author blogs on here or blogs that are primarily concerned with the writing or publishing aspect of YA. These are all YA book blogs -- the ones that I absolutely adore and read every single post from.

1. Frenetic Reader (khyrinthia)
In addition to being an incredibly sweet and funny individual, Khy's blog is also great. For the most part we have very similar reading tastes (if she's read a book I haven't she can usually guess if I'm going to like it or not) and I love that she posts every single day. Sometimes the posts are just her random, book-related thoughts, sometimes they're reviews or more in-depth posts, but I always love reading them. And usually afterwards I want to just comment OMG KHY YOU'RE AWESOME!!! Plus, I love the quirkiness.

2. Forever Young Adult (many bloggers)
I don't know how it took until just a few months ago for me to discover this blog. Aimed at YA readers who are "a little more A than Y," this is a sharp and funny site full of reviews, lists, and lol-worthy Flowers in the Attic recaps. (I will never read that book. Their recaps are more than enough for me.) Though my reading tastes don't always match up with theirs, I read all the reviews just for the abundance of funny.

3. Not Enough Bookshelves (Alexa)
Ages ago Alexa had a personal blog that I loved to read (back when I had my own personal blog) and her book blog was much less frequently updated. However, having rediscovered the book blog just this month I've realized that it's COMPLETELY AWESOME. The writing is great and there's something very genuine and heartfelt about her posts that keeps me coming back and incredibly interested in what she has to say.

4. Persnickety Snark (Adele)
Adele is sort of like my book-blogging hero. Not only are her reviews incredibly well written and thought-out, but she often is able to say just what I was thinking much better than I could ever say it. Additionally I love that she seems to operate a bit outside of the typical realm of YA blogs -- she's a little offbeat, a little different, and always does her own thing. She talks about books that nobody else is talking about and posts thoughtful and thought-provoking discussion posts instead of merely echoing what others have said. Though the future of her blog is a bit TBA right now, she's definitely inspired my blogging.

5. The Story Siren (Kristi)
This blog has interesting posts, good reviews, discussion posts that actually spark discussion, and a "Dear Story Siren" feature that's incredibly helpful to lots of bloggers. Not to mention Kristi's spearheaded the whole In My Mailbox meme and is hosting the Debut Author Challenge for the second year in a row. Really, her blog speaks for itself: she's helpful, humble, and incredibly nice while running one of the best YA blogs out there.


  1. This was such a lovely surprise, thank you Jordyn! I'm so glad I found your blog again :)
